Hanford School

An inspiring and adventurous education
In an age of devices, it is refreshing to find a school where the highlight is joining an early morning pony ride across the Dorset countryside! This small school is not a flashy hothouse, the Jacobean Manor and grounds are a little scruffy at the edges, but the education here is the epitome of preserving childhood and ‘rewilding children’. Girls climb trees, build dens, ride ponies, as well as win scholarships to top schools across the country (90 in the last 10 years). Quirky traditions prioritise old fashioned values such as 'manners' and traditional skills are valued with girls learning to sew, sing and write letters. The girls help to run the school with ‘Committees’ such as ‘The Martha’s’ for wellbeing and the “Under Cover Agents’ for monitoring friendship issues.